Sunday, December 11, 2016

Aromatherapy Methodology

Since the world is changing all around us, our health habits have suffered greatly. Many people have found a solace in aromatherapy. Its many options allow for better long and short term memory because the area of the brain which processes the scent is wired to the memory. Interestingly enough, people should be using aromatherapy aromatherapy perfume as the number one memory support method. A lot of people use burning oils to augment their aromatherapy oil so it can infuse into the air with carrier oils.

Aromatherapy is a great way to unwind and if you need a a complete guide to aromatherapy  book, we are here to help! It makes one feel down to earth and knowledgeable that they can help their minds and future using there time tested methods.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Cooking with spices

Your culinary ideas are unique to your tastes and so the spices used may impact the whole meal. I found that spices and seasonings make mine taste much better. Even though I found out spices are dried and keep for a long time, the newer the better!

Thursday, September 22, 2016

All natural aromatherapy products from your own garden!

Growing your own medicinal herb garden can be extremely beneficial to your household, especially if you’re working towards making the switch to more natural products and remedies.  Before the advancements in modern medicine, people have been surviving off of herbal remedies for thousands of years and with all of the chemicals and unknown substances being added into products, some believe that reverting back to more natural forms of medications is the way to go.

When starting your own herb garden, it’s important to keep things simple and manageable in the beginning. Some herbs can be very delicate to grow and taking on too much at one time can cause your garden to fail. Start out with 4 or 5 plants such as Echinacea, chamomile, and peppermint and as you see success in your garden, you can begin to add more and experiment with expanding your garden to vegetables and flowers.

If you can, consult with other gardeners in your area to learn about what grows best in your region. Certain temperatures may impact what will and won’t grow well in a backyard or windowsill garden. For more invasive medicinal herbs such as comfrey and yarrow, invest in pots so that they don’t take over the rest of your garden.

For all of the best herbs, spices, aromatherapy scents, and organic teas, visit our website today at

Friday, September 9, 2016

Why Cocoa Butter is the Best Stuff on Earth!

Cocoa butter is a fantastic substance extracted from the cocoa bean which provides many different health benefits when applied topically and ingested. This silky smooth butter melts at room temperature, making it perfect to smooth over your skin as needed.

In food, cocoa butter can be used to make chocolate and baked goods as it has a mild chocolate flavor and aroma. Cocoa butter has been proven to aid in heart and immune system health, as its properties such as oleic acid and cocoa mass polyphenol (PMP) have been linked to lowering the risk of heart failure and the possible treatment of psoriasis, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Another one of cocoa butter’s main uses is in skin care products, such as lotions, lip balms, and even some hair care products. Widely used for the treatment of stretchmarks, cocoa butter contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C, and E which make it a miraculous moisturizer. This substance is also very popular for treating skin conditions such as eczema and dermatitis as it creates a barrier between your skin and the harsh environment of everyday life.

Cocoa butter has many different uses, from conditioners and anti-aging lotions to healthy baking options. For the 100% pure cocoa butter and other natural and herbal remedies, visit today!

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Honey Thyme Cough Syrup Recipe

A cold or sore throat can strike at any moment and many over-the-counter medicines aren’t always as effective as we believe. Earthshore Herbal Remedies is a natural remedies shop dedicated to helping you feel your best self, inside and out. We found a fantastic natural cough syrup recipe from Hello Glow and just had to share it with our customers!

This recipe is for a honey thyme cough syrup mixture that will quickly soothe your irritated throat without the extra unwanted side-effects of harsh drug store medications.
  • Boil 2 cups of water in a pan
  • Remove from heat
  • Add 3 Tbsp. of fresh thyme
  • Let steep for 10 minutes, or until cool
  • Stir in desired amount of all natural honey until dissolved
  • If desired, strain out the thyme and transfer to a glass jar
  • Keep refrigerated for up to 2-3 weeks

Thyme contains thymol, which is a powerful antimicrobial that’s fantastic for respiratory and bronchial infections. Honey is also a great throat soother which can help to calm anything from a small tickle to a full blown coughing fit. We definitely recommend giving this recipe a shot, but due to the honey it should not be given to children under 1 year of age.

All of these ingredients can be found right here at, so be sure to visit our natural remedies shop today! 

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

5 Most Popular Herbs for Organic Herbal Medicine

Those of us at Earthshore Herbal Remedies are dedicated to providing high-quality and effective organic herbal medicine. We offer a variety of herbal supplements and capsulated medicines and believe that natural remedies are the way to go when it comes to your health and well-being. Herbs can do more than add excellent flavor to food dishes and while some of these may already be in your pantry, we’ve listed out our top 5 herbs and their medicinal benefits.

1. Aloe Vera – Aloe Vera, most commonly used for sun burn relief, has fantastic antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties. When ingested, aloe becomes a natural laxative and soothes and irritated stomach.

2. Basil – The wonderfully fragrant basil is a powerful antispasmodic, which sooths smooth and skeletal muscle spasms. Massage in some basil essential oil and rest easy and spasm free.

3. Cayenne – Cayenne can be a great remedy for arthritis and rheumatism when applied topically or ingested. This spice is also fantastic for colds, flu viruses, sinus infections, and sore throats. Cayenne also aids certain organs such as the kidneys, heart, lungs, and pancreas and helps to promote weight loss.

4. Echinacea – This herb is absolutely wonderful for the cold and flu and a variety of wellness teas contain Echinacea. This herb also boosts white blood cell production, immune system support, and provides inflammation relief. However, this herb should not be used more than two weeks at a time and not recommended for those allergic to sunflowers or related plants.

5. Ginger – Ginger is perfect for easing nausea and motion sickness and keeping some ginger candies handy on long car rides or flights can make all the difference for a sensitive stomach.

Friday, July 29, 2016

Alternative Anxiety Relief Methods

Anxiety and stress disorders plague over 3 million adults in the United States alone. Unhealthy stress levels can be detrimental to our daily life, but we don’t always have the money or willingness to take a slew of medications to get through our day. At Earthshore Herbal Remedies, we carry a variety of homeopathic products , all of which can be used in the following ways to relax the mind and get through your day.

1. Chamomile tea

Chamomile tea contains the chemicals apigenin and luteolin, which promote relaxation. Drinking multiple cups of chamomile tea a day and help decrease anxiety and stress symptoms and we carry a variety of teas and extracts in our shop.

2. Omega-3s

Some evidence shows that omega-3 fatty acids have the potential to ease anxiety and improve your mood. We recommend getting between 1 and 3 grams of omega-3, which can be done through fishes such as tuna and salmon, walnuts, flax seeds, or fish oil supplements.

3. Lavender

Breathing in the scent of lavender can help you become more upbeat and less stressed out and can also lower stress-related high blood pressure. Try putting a few drops of lavender essential oil on your pillow, bath, or in a cup of tea for a quick calm-me-down.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Welcome to the Earthshore Herbal Remedies Blog

At Earthshore Herbal Remedies, we provide an abundance of herbal health supplements and remedies to alleviate a variety of different ailments. We have an assortment of oils for aromatherapy, many organic herbs and spices, and a large selection of fine teas that will help with everything from congestion to relaxation.

Using over-the-counter and prescribed medications can be harsh on the human body and we often wonder if they are truly the best thing we can be taking. Since there are so many ways you can utilize herbs and spices for homeopathic remedies, we’ve developed this blog to provide usage tips, recipes, and knowledge so you can get the best out of our products and your health! We’ll provide you with the tools and resources to feel better naturally so you can save time, money, and your body. Please remember to see your doctor before trying any natural remedy or if your symptoms have not gone away or are worse than before.

Our large assortment of herbal health supplements is perfect for those who want to naturally heal their mind, body, and soul. For all of the best natural and homeopathic remedies, bookmark our blog and shop our entire inventory today at!