Thursday, September 22, 2016

All natural aromatherapy products from your own garden!

Growing your own medicinal herb garden can be extremely beneficial to your household, especially if you’re working towards making the switch to more natural products and remedies.  Before the advancements in modern medicine, people have been surviving off of herbal remedies for thousands of years and with all of the chemicals and unknown substances being added into products, some believe that reverting back to more natural forms of medications is the way to go.

When starting your own herb garden, it’s important to keep things simple and manageable in the beginning. Some herbs can be very delicate to grow and taking on too much at one time can cause your garden to fail. Start out with 4 or 5 plants such as Echinacea, chamomile, and peppermint and as you see success in your garden, you can begin to add more and experiment with expanding your garden to vegetables and flowers.

If you can, consult with other gardeners in your area to learn about what grows best in your region. Certain temperatures may impact what will and won’t grow well in a backyard or windowsill garden. For more invasive medicinal herbs such as comfrey and yarrow, invest in pots so that they don’t take over the rest of your garden.

For all of the best herbs, spices, aromatherapy scents, and organic teas, visit our website today at

Friday, September 9, 2016

Why Cocoa Butter is the Best Stuff on Earth!

Cocoa butter is a fantastic substance extracted from the cocoa bean which provides many different health benefits when applied topically and ingested. This silky smooth butter melts at room temperature, making it perfect to smooth over your skin as needed.

In food, cocoa butter can be used to make chocolate and baked goods as it has a mild chocolate flavor and aroma. Cocoa butter has been proven to aid in heart and immune system health, as its properties such as oleic acid and cocoa mass polyphenol (PMP) have been linked to lowering the risk of heart failure and the possible treatment of psoriasis, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Another one of cocoa butter’s main uses is in skin care products, such as lotions, lip balms, and even some hair care products. Widely used for the treatment of stretchmarks, cocoa butter contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C, and E which make it a miraculous moisturizer. This substance is also very popular for treating skin conditions such as eczema and dermatitis as it creates a barrier between your skin and the harsh environment of everyday life.

Cocoa butter has many different uses, from conditioners and anti-aging lotions to healthy baking options. For the 100% pure cocoa butter and other natural and herbal remedies, visit today!